Friday, June 25, 2010

key01-yaaAwenda Camping Trip Review




I really enjoyed the camping trip at Awenda.
You may wonder what were all the food I brought to the camp site.
I only prepare very little because cooking in the forest is the main part.

Cooking on camp fire is nice,
but sometimes it is hard to control the heat,
food always get burn on the outside and raw in the inside.

We brought a propane stove and a propane grill for this trip,
they help you to cook your meal easier.

To make this burger lunch plate, you will need:
propane stove
small frying pan
1 slices of mozzarella
1/2 small onion
4 mini burger patties
1 onion/cheese bun
1/2 sliced tomato
1/4 iceberg lettuces
salt & pepper

1- Pan fried the burger with 1/2 tsp butter on medium heat
2- Meanwhile, slice up the onion and bun
3- Once the burger is done, add the onion and satuee with the flavored oil in the pan
4- Next, assumble the burger in order, bun> burger, cheese, onion, ketchup (the heat will help melt the cheese
5- Plate the lettuces and tomato on the side

I did not use any dressing for my salad because the burger is very flavourful and it is nice to have something lighter on the side

You can make this recipe at your next camping trip too. It has only a few simple ingridents and easy steps. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did =)

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